Friday, September 19, 2014

Obama: Vote shows U.S is united against ISIS

With this recurring news on the terrorist organization known as “ISIS,” CBS News published a new article, written by Rebecca Kaplan, stating that on Thursday the Senate approved to arm and train Syrian rebels in the fight against this Islamic State.  Republicans and Democrats have aroused many concerns about this plan. Senator Rand Paul says that we are again wading into a civil war. Senator Mark Begich is not in favor of arming Syrian rebels. Debates on whether President Obamas plan is serious have caused many different opinions. Can the Syrian rebels step up and fight?  Will they instead use these weapons in their own war against Syria? Despite the questions of whether or not the Syrian rebels are capable of destroying this terrorist organization, The President has repeatedly stated that the American forces will not have a combat mission on the ground in Iraq. The President does not want to have another ground war.  But the question is will the Syrian rebels step up to the plate?  Another ground war might be necessary.  This article is worth reading, because it presents different opinions on how to destroy this threat, and explains the newest plan that our country is coming up with.  It’s important to know the facts about what is happening now in our country.  Who knows what could happen in the future.

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